Look Inside

It is the breat pleasure for presenting First Edition of revised syllabus of the Book “Information and Network Security” to the Students of Bsc. C.S. This book is written to cover all the topics of syllabus prescribed by the University of Mumbai for T.Y.Bsc.C.S.

Information and Network Security is one of the very important part of every system. Students would be surprised to know that in any system we cannot implement 100% security. In fact, the maximum amount of security to be implemented could be 5%. Let us understand how security is implemented in the system with the help of this book.

The concept and the theory of each topic is gollowed by the theoretical explanation, some self-assessement questions and all practical solutions of network and Information Security are according to university pattern are provided at the end of this book. efforts have been made to make the text easy to read and understand.In this book, We have covered all types of programs expected by University of Mumbai in practical examination. At the end of this book, sample question paper is given for the student practice


Contents –

Unit 1
1. Introduction
2. Classical Encryption Techniques
3. Public Key Cryptography and RSA
Unit 2
4. Key Management
5. Message Authentication and Hash Functions
6. Group and Team Dynamics
7. Authentication Applications
Unit 3
8. Electronic Mail security
9. IP Security
10. Web Security
11. Intrusion






Year of publication






Kiran Gurbani,

Ravindra Jaiswal,

Sohrab Ardeshar Vakharia


Himalaya pub