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Grassroot Democracy and Caste Dynamics in Maharashtra, India



The present book is on Grassroots Democracy and Caste Dynamics in Maharashtra, India is based on my PhD dissertation on political participation of Dalitsin Panchayati Raj Institutions at village level. It is primarily focused on Dalits, who are categorized as scheduled Castes (SC) in the state of Maharashtra. Among the category of SCs in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra, Mahars, Matangs, Chambhars, and Dhors are the four dominant castes are prevalent. They are almost found in every village of Marathwada. Various studies and historical evidences show that Dalits have been deprived and alienated from access to political power, economic resources, knowledge and decision-making process. In order to integrate them in the mainstream society, there have been various attempts on the part of Dalit themselves, social reformers and the Government. One of the major attempts by Govt. of India is the implementation of 73rd Constitutional Amendment to restructure the Panchayat Raj System in India.

In this book the first chapters deals with the tracing the history of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Maharashtra, particularly history of 73rd constitutional Amendment Act. Apart from the history of PRI the analysis of different issues concerning to political participation have been discussed in the book. The second chapter is about the profile of the four Dalit castes (Mahar, Matang, Chambharand Dhor), is been the important aspect of the book. The profile analyses the social, economic, political and religiouscontexts of Dalits.It has helped us to locate the position of Dalit leaders and Dalit community in general in the traditional and contemporary society.

The third chapter is the assessment and impacts of 73rd constitutional Amendment has been assessed with implementation of the recommendations of the Amendment Act on the basis of main features i.e. 73rd Constitutional Act and Gram Sabha or village assembly as a deliberating body to decentralized governance. Due to the reservation policy the participation of women and Dalitshave been increased in panchayats and in Gram Sabha but it is important to know whether Dalit Sarpanch (men and women) are getting opportunities to work independently.It is interesting to see the kinds of leadership emerging at village level. Reservations for weaker castes and tribes (SCs and STs) have been provided at all levels in the proportion to their population in the panchayats. What are the problems/difficulties the Dalit leaders are facing at village level from the traditional leaders? An indicative list of 29 items of Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution have been transferred to PRI and Panchayats are expected to play an effective role in planning and implementation of works related to these 29 items. The question is whether the decentralization of these development sectors has been practiced at village level by the administration and political leaders.

The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act was expected to overcome many of the shortcomings of grassroots level democracy. It was considered the stepping-stone in the field of people’s participation. With this context the different aspects about political participation have been analyzed.

The book is also deals with the factors promoting and hindering for Dalit participation in PRI in the fourth chapter. These factors are also called the enabling and inhabiting factors for the participation of Dalits in PRI. It was found that discrimination based on caste, religion and gender are the hindering factors in traditional village life for the Dalit leaders. There are other factors like illiteracy/low education, occupation, economic dependency that are also hindering factors. While political reservation, higher education, support from the community, capacity programmes by the govt. could be the promoting/ supportive factors to the Dalits at the leadership role or even for the Gram Sabha members or as a general Dalit community members. Finally it needs to be understand that Dalits are empowered for transformation through Dalit movements, though political reservation in Panchayati Raj may provide the enabling power to their political empowerment but the results presents the grim picture in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra.

Contents –

I Political Participation of Dalits – An Introduction
II Socio-economic Profile of Dalits in Maharashtra
III Impact of 73rd Constitutional Amendment on Political Participation of Dalits in PRI
IV Factors Promoting and Hindering to Dalit Participation
V Summary, Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions


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Ramesh Jare


Himalaya pub