
B.P. Shreshtha

Dr. Badri Prasad Shreshtha (1932) is one of the few top economists of Nepal having a long association with economic planning and development process of his country. He joined the National Planning Commission of Nepal in 1968 as its Member and  later became its Vice-Chairman until 1979 when he was appointed Royal Nepalese Ambasador to Japan. He held that diplomatic post for six years until May 1985. Before joining the NPC, he had served in a number of high level economic committees constituted by His Majestys Government of Nepal from time to time. He also taught Development Economics at the Tribhuvan University for several years and for some time at the Central Michigan University, Michigan, and Fairleigh Dickenson University, New jersey, U.S.A. He has travelled extensively both within and outside the country and represented Nepal in many international conferences. He is the author of more than half a doen books, including The Economy of Nepal, An Introduction to Nepalese Economy, and Monetary Policy in an Emerging Economy.