
Ch. Sudipta Kishore Nanda

Dr. Ch. Sudipta Kishore Nanda is Ph.D., M.Com., MBA, LL.B. and obtained his Ph.D. in Commerce from Utkal University, Odisha, India in 2014. Currently, he is working as Assistant Professor, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack. He has more than sixteen years of teaching experience both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He has also worked as guest faculty at Utkal University, Vanivihar; Amity Global University, Odisha; Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Bhubaneswar and Institute of Hotel Management, Bhubaneswar. He has contributed 27 research papers published in National and International Journals. He is a reviewer, a member of editorial board of different national and international journals and a pro-active editor of The Management Page, a bi-annual journal. He is a life member of All Orissa Commerce Association, All India Commerce Association and All India Accounting Association.