
Dr. Dhananjay Avasarikar

Dr. Dhanjay Avasarikar, is an Associate Professor at Suryadatta Institute of Management and Mass Communication, Pune. He is B.Com., L.L.B., DBM, MMS and Ph.D. from University of Pune. He is SPPU, approved Ph.D. Guide and a Referee for University in the other state. He has Corporate Experience of 10 years from different industries. He is teaching in the Management field since 1992 for last 25 years. He is a Co-author for a book on Marketing Research. He has written Study Materials on different subjects like Marketing Research, Relationship Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Rural Marketing and Communication Skills and Personality Development. His 105 research papers have been published in international journals, some of which have high impact factor and 150 articles are published in leading regional news papers.