
Dr. K. Rajeswari

Dr. K. Rajeswari, Head The Department of Commerce, The Standard Fireworks Rajaratnam College for Women, Sivakasi has put in a service of 26 years of teaching and 5 years of research experience. She has completed her M.Phil. programme, had a study on Credit cards and Ph.D. focusing research on Marketing of Inland transit policies and currently purshing a Major Research Project Funded by UOC on life Insurance. To her credit, she has two publications and frequently presents research papers in National and International Forums on Insurance, CRM. Higher Education and Financial Services. As HOD, co-ordinated and introduced M.Com. (C.A.), M.Phil, B.B.A and Career Oriented Programmes. She has organized many National and District Level inter-collegiate and intracollegiate workshops and seminars. She adopts innovative teaching and actively participates in updating the curriculum based on recent developments and global competencies acting in various capacities in various of Board of studies in our college, Madurai Kamaraj Univeristy and autonomous college. Has been the co-ordinator for NAAC accreditation and reaccreditations, serves the institution in academic and co-curricular activities in various capacities.