
Rohit Agarwal

Rohit Agarwal is the founder and CEO of tech Tribe Networks, a software company that enables current and future professionals to connect with others to enhance to careers.      A seasoned entrepreneur, Rohit has been a founding member of successful startups and led marketing, sales, and business development functions at established software companies throughout his 16 year career in co-founder and VP of marketing and Business Development at Webify solutions (acquired by IBM in July 2006)    Previously, Rohit has held the positions of Vice President,. Strategic Marketing at Baan Company (NASDAQ BAANF), Founding VP, Marketing at Commercial Ware (acquired by MICROS/Datavantage), and VP, product Strategy at newScale. He has also held Sales and Marketing Management Positions at Remedy Corporation (NASDAQ:RMDY, acquired by BMC), and FileNet (NASDAQ:FILE, acquired by IBM). Rohit is also an industry speaker at international conferences, anad an author.