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20th Century World and India through the Lens of Reporters and Photo Journalists – A Mass Media Perspective


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The book has been written for students of Mass Communication and Media. The learning objectives include presenting events that have been powered by masses and mass media tools. Much of what we know today has been recorded by photo journalists and ordinary people who rose to do extraordinary things. An attempt has been made to discuss these epoch-making moments of history through the lens and pens of such reporters.

Propaganda and manufactured news helped drive war efforts. The book traces the use of jingoistic posters, superhero comics and cartoons to whip up nationalistic fervor during the two world wars.

Movements that have been birthed by new age media tools and media personalities such as Arab Spring and the Me-Too Movement find mention. Certain national and international environmental and socio-cultural movements spearheaded by authors and activists have been covered.

The challenges and opportunities of Modern India speak of the wars that India faced with its neighbors since partition, the role played by several journalists in recording history and maintaining records such as the Henderson Report and India’s first televised war at Kargil in 1999 have been included. The scope covers cross-border terrorism and impact of media right up to the Balakot strike. The book is peppered with interesting anecdotes from the advertising industry and the journalistic world. Reference links are included after every chapter to acknowledge the sources of information and for those who are interested in understanding more.


Contents –

1. World War-I and Propaganda
2. Allied Propaganda – World War-II
3. The Nazi Propaganda
4. The Radio Propaganda of Germany and Japan
5. Human Rights Violations by the Nazi and Japanese Armies
6. Diary of Anne Frank
7. The African Famine
8. Pol Pot – The Killing Fields of Cambodia
9. India and The Refugee Crisis
10. Tiananmen Square Massacre – Role of Photo Journalists in Recording this Event
11. Apartheid
12. Arab Spring
13. Environmental Movements Powered by People
14. MeToo Campaign
15. The Sino-India War – 1962: The Reasons for the Defeat of India – The Henderson Report
16. Creation of Bangladesh: India-Pakistan War 1971
17. The Kargil War 1999 – India vs. Pakistan
18. Terrorism
19. Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization and its Impact on India’s Socio-economic and Cultural Scenario


Year of publication







134 (In Grams)

Student Dollar Price




Preethi Rao


Himalaya pub