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A Guide on Project Work


SKU: aa2a24232000 Category:

A Project Work is the study of factual information for comprehending and applying the concepts of the academic studies from the institutes in to practice. Thus, a project work is included in the curriculum of the management study. Students have to work out for the semester project to gain adequate practical exposure .The objective of these semester projects is to enable the students to see how the academic concepts learned within the classroom are applied in the working situations of the organizations .Project work thus becomes as internal part of the management course necessitating to be evaluated from an academic perspective. Efforts are initiated to make this book a complete compilation on the basics and practices of management along with the guidelines for the project work also. Thus, the book will facilitate the students to refer to the academics on the management principles learnt in the institutes, while doing their practical work in the organizations.

The book covers; the Glossary of the project work, basis of project work, systematic arrangement and preparation of project work and project report. The book covers and discusses on more than 100 topics for project work and preparations of project report.

The Second Edition of the book includes the latest developments in the management practices, a sample project report to guide the students on a practical basis.

Contents :

1. Glossary of Project Work
2. Basic of the Project Work
3. Systematic Arrangement of the Project Work
4. Organisational Brochure and Management in Practice
5. Commencement of the Project Work
6. Completion of the Project Work
7. Preparation of the Project Report
8. Guidance on the Sample List of Topics for Project
Conclusions and References
Appendices (A TO G)


Year of publication







434 (In Grams)

Book Code

Students Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Shri Narendra Singh


Himalaya pub