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A Hand Book on SPSS for Research Work


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The research scenario in our country is not as thriving and vibrant as it is in developed countries of the world. But we have been carrying out research since ages and this process will continue to do so in the future. The objective of writing a book on SPSS is to help researcher to understand the basic doctrines of the research work. This book “A Hand Book on SPSS for Research Work” is a holistic approach to research work. Right from data entry to interpretation and analysis, this book deals with every aspect of research in minute details. Every researcher will find this extremely handy and interesting. The book aims to help the students/teachers in the field of management research. As there is a crunch of researchers in our country, this book will attract people towards this subject. The book is divided in to 16 chapters and comprises at most 200 pages.

Students/teachers who would like to make a career in Academics and eventually go for a Ph.D. will benefit from it greatly. Faculty members who are into research methodology in various B-Schools would also immensely benefit. As each chapter deals with the basics of research work of collecting data through questionnaire, or any methods, interpreting them, understanding the various models and applying the appropriate analysis for the said data.

This book is a result of my experience, research and various training programmes, I have attended on this topic so far. And each time, it was felt to contribute something to enrich this field more than before. The book deals with complicated things in the easiest and simplest of matter which will be understood by students. It has numerous examples and case studies to give an in-depth view and knowledge of research work.

Institutions today are in search of good researchers as educational institutions gear up to meet every day challenges of quality research, good output, skilled students and industry expectations. Each educational institution serves an animation for the industry. The industry therefore depends on quality research of these organisations, and research work will only flourish if there is right knowledge regarding it.

The Indian educational system should produce quality researcher not just money minting graduates. Research in every field will lead to a prosperous nation. This book is a small endeavor in this direction.


Contents :

Chapter 1: SPSS Windows and Files
Chapter 2: Entering and Working with Data
Chapter 3: Descriptive Statistics and Graphs
Chapter 4: Independent-Samples t-Test
Chapter 5: Paired-Samples t-Test
Chapter 6: One-Way ANOVA
Chapter 7: Repeated-Measures ANOVA
Chapter 8: Two-Way ANOVA
Chapter 9: ANOVA for Mixed Factorial Designs
Chapter 10: Correlation and Scatterplots
Chapter 11: Simple Linear Regression
Chapter 12: Multiple Correlation and Regression
Chapter 13: Chi-Square Tests
Chapter 14: Analysis of Covariance
Chapter 15: Realiability Analysis
Chapter 16: Factor Analysis
Case Questionnaire – 1
Case Questionnaire – 2


Year of publication







225 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Anil Kumar Mishra


Himalaya pub