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A Text Book of Inorganic Polymers


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This text book deals with the various aspects of upcoming field of Inorganic Polymers. An exhaustive literature survey was carried out to include the variety of inorganic polymers of theoretical and practical importance. Each chapter in this book is self-sufficient so that reader may be able to satisfy all his curiosities in this new field of chemistry. All important diagrams and formulae have been given which are well supported by chemical equations. The order of chapters in this book is according to the place of back-bone elements in the periodic table. The treatment of the subject is lucid. At the end of each chapter, numbers of questions have been given to review the understanding of the topic. Authors have made every effort in a simple and clear language so that the reader can follow the matter readily.

This book will be useful for the students of B.Sc.(G), B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., B.Tech; Plastic Engineering, Pharmacy, Applied Chemistry, Environmental Science and their related fields.

Book Content of A Text Book of Inorganic Polymers
  • Introduction and Classification
  • Boron Containing Polymers
  • Silicones (Polysiloxanes)
    1. Polysilances and Related Polymers
    2. Silicates
    3. Gemanium and Tin containing Polymers
    4. Phosphorus-Containing Polymers
    5. Inorganic Polymers containing S, Se and Te
    6. Metal Co-ordination Polymers
    7. Solubility of Polymers
    8. Crystallinity of Polymers
    9. Mechnical Properties of Polymers
    10. Transitions of Polymers

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Dr. Ajay Bhagi


Himalaya pub