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A Text Book on Comprehensive Virology


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Even though a plethora of advanced research books in Virology are available at hand which explore all basic information about viruses, however no detailed study of viral genetics, replication, its pathogenesis and preventive measures of viral diseases can be found compiled in one single book, which can be easily availed by university level students and teachers. This necessitates need of such a book which includes classification, cultivation, and study of all type of viruses in a simplified way which is easy to understand for under graduate and postgraduate students of various academia all over the country.

Virology is the study of viruses which are ultramicroscopic, parasitic particles of genetic material contained in a protein coat and viruses are found in almost every ecosystem on Earth and are the most numerous type of biological entity. Viruses are chief microbial predators that influence global biogeochemical cycles and drive microbial evolution, although their impact is often under appreciated. The importance of a virus is not due to the virus itself, but to the hosts they infect and affect, and many viruses are imperative because they cause diseases in humans, animals, or crops. Viruses have been used extensively in molecular and cellular biology studies. Viruses and constantly emerging novel viral diseases have been at the interiors of human health, biological science, agriculture, and medicine for millennia. Some of our supreme confront and conquests have involved viruses, which have proved to be best tools in the study of molecular and cellular biology. Since viruses infect cells by moving their genetic material into the host cells nucleus, they are helpful in the investigation of the functions of cells.

Clearly, virology as a part of study in the academic curriculum has been one of the most difficult and demanding challenges for students and teachers at university level for lack of proper book which compiles basic information in one place. The authors who are highly experienced teachers in their respective domain, have taken efforts to compile a book which will be ready reckoner at one place for graduate and postgraduate students of Microbiology, Biotechnology, and all branches of Life sciences wherever the field of virology will be taught. Our plan for conveying this knowledge is to present, first the concepts of viral structure, and then relate them to principles of viral multiplication. Together these concepts form the basis for understanding how viruses are classified, how they affect cells, and how their genetic system functions. These molecular and cellular mechanisms are combined with the concepts of immunology to explain viral pathogenesis, nonspecific defenses, persistent infections, epidemiology, evolution, and control. The important virus families are then discussed individually. Having studied the virology section, students should be easily able to understand many principles of virology and to explain individual manifestations of virus infection and the processes that bring them about.


Contents –

1. Fundamentals of Virology
2. Methods used in Virology
3. Bacteriophage
4. Virus Attachment and Entry into Host Cell
5. Genomic Replication of Viruses
6. Pathogenesis of Viral Infections
7. Pathogenesis of Plant Viruses
8. Control of Viruses
9. Emerging Viruses
10. Viral Biotechnology
11. Applications of Viruses


Year of publication








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Dr. Nikhilesh Kulkarni,

Dr. Renuka D. Joshi,

Dr. Shiva C. Aithal


Himalaya pub