RTM Nagpur University recently introduced the NEP syllabus 2020 for B.Sc. courses. In spite of abundant information available on internet, a textbook plays a very important role in presenting the information in a concise manner, thus saving time and effort by students and helping them focus on the most relevant information appropriate to their level of studies.
This book is the first in a series of textbooks for Undergraduate students who have chosen Biotechnology as a major subject. The entire syllabus is covered in this book, (Paper I, Introductory Microbial Biotechnology and Paper II, Macromolecular Foundations of Biotechnology). This book contains both theory and practical components (Practical 1 and Practical 2) of B.Sc. First Semester.
The proposed Course Outcomes are:
- Thorough knowledge and understanding of concepts of microbiology.
- Learning and practicing professional skills in handling microbes.
- Thorough knowledge and application of good laboratory and good manufacturing
practices in microbial quality control.
We have made sincere efforts to concise the entire syllabus of B.Sc. Semester I as per NEW NEP Syllabus in this book so that students can have precise and handy books to prepare for examination. Utmost care has been taken to maintain the quality of books and its student’s friendly language. The books are well equipped with diagrams and questions at the end of the chapters.
Contents –
Paper I: Introductory Microbial Biotechnology
1. Microorganisms: Concept and Importance
2. Bacterial Cultivation and Growth
3. Technical Foundations of Microbiology
4. Microbial Diversity and Viruses
Paper II: Macromolecular Foundations of Biotechnology
5. Structural Foundations of Macromolecules-1
6. Structural Foundations of Macromolecules-2
7. Macromolecular Organisation in Bacterial Cell
8. Nucleic Acids-Blueprint of Life
Practical – 1 (COURSE CODE: BBT1P01)
Practical – 2 (COURSE CODE: BBT1P02)
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