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A Textbook of Ecology and Environment


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This book has been organized according to the syllabi of Environmental Sciences for undergraduate and postgraduate students of different universities and colleges.

The modern ecology and environment have embraced not only old philosophy of live and let live but the very recent tools and techniques required to establish the causes and consequences of the ongoing changes in the environment, which the human kind never realized earlier.

The entitled “A Textbook of Ecology and Environment” is an attempt wherein, the authors have tried to incorporate the old and recent aspects of ecology. It has been the humble attempt of the authors to provide information on the various dimensions added in the modern ecology. While the traditional knowledge is a must for understanding the subject, the various aspects which are being now used as tools to understand the various processes, natural or induced by the human beings, are vitally important.

The entire book has been divided into fifteen chapters. Chapter one deals with the fundamentals incorporating various definitions, branches of ecology, and scope of ecology. Chapters two and three deals with the different physico-chemical and biological compone is of ecology respectively. Chapter four discusses the ecosystems, their structural and functional aspects. Chapter five and six deal with the population and community ecology respectively. Chapter seven is about the ecological succession and its importance. Chapter eight throws light on various natural resources and their conservation. Chapter nine is devoted to the subject of biodiversity and its conservation. Chapter ten deals with the science of remote sensing and its application in understanding the various environmental processes. Chapter eleven covers natural disasters and their management particularly with reference to India. Chapter twelve covers allaspects of environmental pollution. Chapter thirteen deals with Environmental Impact Assessment, the process, methodology and EIA of different environments. Various policies on laws governing the environment have been discussed, though briefly, in chapter fourteen. Various sociological and environmental issues have been discussed in chapter fifteen.


Contents –

1. Science of Ecology
2. The Physico-Chemical Components of Ecology
3. Biological Components of Ecology
4. Ecosystem
5. Population Ecology
6. Community Ecology
7. Ecological Succession
8. Biological Diversity
9. Natural Resources and Their Conservation
10. Remote Sensing
11. Natural Disasters
12. Environmental Pollution
13. Environmental Impact Assessment
14. Environmental Policy and Law
15. Population, Social Issues and Environment


Year of publication






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Namita Joshi,

P.C. Joshi


Himalaya pub