The world is no longer a healthy place as it was a couple of centuries ago; overexploitation of natural resources, population explosion and the pressures of urbanization have increased alarmingly the level of pollution, the extent of deforestation, degradation of environment and the loss of biodiversity. The authorities, scientists, environmentalists and the public at large have a greater responsibility to act now and try to restore normal living conditions so that they leave behind a healthy and safe planet for the future generations. Steps have to be taken to protect the environment from further degradation.
In order to create awareness among students about the importance of clean and natural surroundings, the Supreme Court of India had suggested that a six month course on environmental studies be made compulsory for undergraduate courses in the colleges of all the Indian universities. Following the Supreme Court order a special committee was appointed by the UGC in 2003 which prepared the core module syllabus for the subject it was introduced in colleges in the year 2004-2005.
The authors have attempted to present an exhaustive and comprehensive account of all the chapters in this book with relevant illustrations and tables wherever required, needless to say that we have strictly followed the syllabus. With suitable case studies, we have highlighted the environmental problems that plague the nation and the world at large. We are quite confident that the book, besides being a standard textbook, would inspire and motivate students to contribute something towards the protection of environment.
Contents –
1. The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies (Definition, Scope and Importance)
2. Natural Resources
3. Ecosystems
4. Biodiversity and its Conservation
5. Environmental Pollution
6. Social Issues and the Environment
7. Human Population and The Environment
8. Fieldwork
Question Papers