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A Turbulent Voyage of Rights for Humanity

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There is unparallel increase in the exploitation and harassment amongst the people during the present times. All this is perhaps due to the ignorance and lack of knowledge about the existing facilities and welfare measures for the people already existing in the legislations and law. This has led to lot of sufferings.

The Human rights have existed for many years and there have been people including the social workers who have made the society realize their rights and educated them about the same. The realization and enlightenment about the human rights has brought an awakening in the society and made the world a better place to live in.

The situation of women in society has gone through tremendous changes where women have enjoyed great rights in the past and as a paradox have also suffered to the extent which words fail to explain. The present condition of the women in the existing times, in spite of the various feminist and post feminist movements is extremely painful and worse. The second track about women`s rights and the tremendous response on this issue through the contributions on different angles ratifies the awakening on the issue. Different angles have been covered from the transgender issues, home makers to the highest office holders in the corporate world showing that the cause is very important to society.

The issues of the marginalised have worked wonders because of movements supporting their cause. After centuries of much exploitation, there is significant progress in these different sections. The contributions towards this particular section also shows that there is still a concern for the smaller sections in the minds of the people in spite of the mad rush and the race of time. Much remains to be done but the seed has been sown.

Contents :

1. A Turbulent Voyage of Rights for Humanity
Prof. Vibhuti Patel
2. A Study of Management System as Rights of Human Resource in Steel Industries in Pune Region
Ms. Behnaz Shakib
3. Human Rights and Development
Dr. Sunil Purohit, Ms. Dhwani Pandya
4. Women in Middle East-A Week Breeze of Change
Mr. Unni Kannissery, Ms. Komalam
5. Deconstructing the Politics of Subjugation: A Literary Perspective
Dr. Shivani Jha
6. Violation against Human Rights in India
Ms. Monika Nagori, Dr. Sudha Bhatnagar
7. Stereotyping Women: An Exploration of Theory, Research and Practice
Dr. Mrinalini Pandey
8. Miles to Go…..
Dr. Sunil Nagpurkar
9. Gender Sensitivity: An HR Issue
Ms. Nidhi Shukla
10. The HR (HUman Resource or Human Rights) Issues for Employees in Mergers and Acquisitions
Mr. Rakesh S. Pandya
11. Conflict, Refugees and Humanitarian Agencies in India: A Case Study of Bangladesh
Dr. Baddruddin
12. Consequences of Marginalisation on Upbringing of Children
Dr. Sangita T. Ghodake
13. Role of Education in Protecting Human Rights of Marginalised Section
Dr. Ratnaprabha N. Rajmane
14. From Dusk to Dawn: For Light and Sight
Dr. Renu Trivedi, Ms. Pradnya Garad
15. Women in the Legal Regime
Dr. Sunita Khariwal
16. A Study of the Challenges Daughters Face in Family Business Succession
Ms. Renu Khandelwal
17. Reproductive Rights as Human Rights of Women
Dr. Bindu Variath
18. The Social Stigma of Infertility in Indian Society-An Exploration of Literary and Cinematic Texts
Dr. Monica Khanna
19. Colonial Racism and Discrimination: A Trip in BB & CI Railway (1864-1874)
Dr. Madhumita Bandyopadhyay
20. Legal Empowerment of Women: Laws versus Reality
Dr. Ranjana Mishra
21. Rights of Women in Sikhism
Dr. Ravinder Kaur Cheema
22. Globalization: Privatisation: Social Equality in the field of Higher Education: The Mumbai Experience
Dr. Usha R. Vijayalaxmi
23. Cesaire and Human Rights: The Universal in the Particular
Dr. Vasumathi Badrinathan
24. Social Inclusion of North-east Indians: A Challenge
Ms. Manasi V. Bhagwat
25. Human Trafficking in India: Modern Form of Slavery
Ms. Seema Jha
26. Status of Socio-economic Rights of Women Working in Unorganised Sector in Mumbai District
Ms. Karishma Khadiwala, Ms. Sunita Rai
27. The Oppressed Children of Kashmir
Ms. Susannah Malkan
28. Juvenile Justice in India with Special Reference to Rape and Murder Cases
Ms. Sunanda Bhasagare
29. Including the Excluded: A Study of Human Rights and Transgender People in Suburban Mumbai
Ms. Liji Santosh
30. Women`s Rights: A Human Rights Perspective
Ms. Minakshi D. Singh, Ms. Veena Shinde-Deore

31. Women of 3rd World and Agro Biodiversity Conservation-Towards the Recognition of Women`s Right
Ms. Priti Srivastava
32. Globalisation and Information Technology: Impact on Human Rights
Dr. Sameer G. Thakur
33. A Study of Status of Elderly Women`s Right in India
Dr. Diwakar Dhondu Kadam
34. Development and Environmental Crisis (A Case Study of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant in Tamil Nadu)
Ms. R. Vijayalakshmi
35. A Study of Social Security of Workers

– Dr. Sangeeta N. Pawar
36. Implication of Son Preference on Women`s Human Rights: An Investigation
Dr. Ravishri Mishra
37. Human Rights and Health with Reference to Gramin Rugnalaya Hospital in Badlapur
Dr. Vinayak K. Raje, Mr. Shivaji A. Pawar
38. “Right to Work with Dignity” and Sexual Harassment at Workplace with Respect to Women Working in the Unorganised Sector
Ms. Pramila D`Souza
39. Bringing a Human Rights Lens to Corporates

– Ms. Nikita Shrivastava
40. Violation of Women`s (Human) Rights in the Conflicts Zone: With Special Reference to the North-east of India
Ms. Mummy Chhetry Barua
41. Rights of Women in India
Mr. Raj A. Soshte, MS. Asmita Bagde
42. National Food Security Bill 2013: An Analysis
Mr. Vishnu J. Bhandare
43. Human Rights and Women: Indian Context
Mr. Shashikant Mundhe
44. Linking Human Rights and the Environment
Ms. Sabiha More
45. Pathfinder of Inclusive Fundamental Rights for Employees
Ms. Vaishali P. Garkal
46. Child Labour
Ms. Komal Sunil Raisinghani
47. Women Rights: A Case Study on Status of Women in Powai and Bhandup Area: With Special Reference to Educational Rights of Women
Mr. Ramji Tiwari, Ms. Komal Anil Tiwari
48. Education to Right and Human Right: A Survey Based Study
Mr. Surrendra G. Thakur, Ms. Veronica Rajgopal
49. Employment Rights of Disabled Women With Reference to PwD Act
Ms. Madhavi Ajit Khot, Ms. Shaikh Zeenath Rauf
50. `Daughters of India`-Voyage Since 1947
Ms. Rani D`Souza, Ms. Kalpana Rai Menon
51. Human Right and Drinkable Water: A Survey Based Study in Thane District
Mr. Deepak B. Bansod
52. Swa-Janiv Te Jan-Jagaran (Self-awareness to Community Awareness)
Dr. Rashmi Vyavaharkar, Mrs. Sugandha Lad
53. Role of Education and Training to Prevent Drunk Driving as a Measure of Road Safety
Ms. Usha V. Bhandare
54. Opportunities and Challenges for Women in Corporate Settings
Ms. Darshana D. Kadwadkar, Dr. T.P. Ghule
55. Child Abuse-A Human Right Perspective
Mr. Mahendra Pachadkar
56. An Overview of Constitution of India and Women`s Human Rights: An Analysis
Ms. Momina Sirguroh
57. Role of Banking Ombudsman in Protection of Consumer Rights
Ms. Manjusha Kulkarni
58. Glass Ceiling in Indian Context
Ms. Sulbha Bapu Kamble
59. Changing Role of Women in India
Dr. Alka Mohan Kadam
60. Awareness of Human Rights among Women and Role of Media
Ms. Sangita S. Mohanty
61. Equity, Inclusion, Fairness: The Should be Approach to Remove Marginalisation
Ms. Prabhjyot Kaur
62. International Human Rights Law and Globalisation
Dr. Tabbassum Sheikh
63. Rights Surpassed in Social Network
Ms. Rani Podichetty
64. Rights of Domestic Helpers: A Case Study on Women Domestic Helpers in Powai Area
Ms. Seema Rawat, Ms. Shurlly Tiwari
65. The Saga of Prostitutes Ancient Period to Present-day Scenario
Ms. Sudha Kini
66. Human Right Violations Faced by People with Disabilities in India
Dr. Jadhav Babban Bhivsen
67. Women Rights and Laws
Mr. Manoj Kumar Tiwari
68. A Critical Evaluation of Human Rights with Reference to Today`s Corporate World
Mr. Ashok Poojari
69. Child Labour: The Bitter Boon for Country
Mr. Amit Rajput, Mr. Mangal Singh Ranawat
70. To Empower is To Uplift (Redirecting Marginal Existence)
Ms. Shagun Rawat
71. Perceptions of Elementary Level School Teachers towards the Parameters Outlined in RTE Act, 2009: A Status Study
Dr. Mrs. Snehal S. Donde, Mrs. Seema V. Nair
72. Human Rights SWOC of Primary Education of BMC and RTE Act
Mrs. Kanchan S. Fulmal
73. Human Rights Education in India: Issues and Implications
Dr. Ankush L. More