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A – Z Behavioural Vibrations


SKU: 82b2369700f2 Category:

“A-Z Behavioural Vibrations” is written keeping in mind the general requirements of:
(a) graduates, post-graduates, teaching and research [rofessionals across all disciplines including general psychology, behavioural sciences, sociology, management and technical subjects; and
(b) every person at adolescent, adult and elderly stages in day-to-day life activities and situations. The executives, managers and personnel engaged in hectic and stressful jobs will also find the book’s topics useful.

Generally, people are in dire need of understanding many behavioural aspects, such as critical thinking, generosity, lateral thinking, stress management, visionary attitude, and wisdom and zeal (enthusiasm). An attempt is made to analyze all these aspects in these book.


Contents –

Preface and Acknowledgements
1. Assertive and Aggressive Behaviour
2. Body language
3. Critical Thinking
4. Depressive Disorder and Behaviour
5. Emotional Disorder and Behaviour; Emotional Intelligence
6. Frustrated Behaviour
7. Generous behaviour
8. Honest Behaviour
9. Intuition; Impulsive Behaviour
10. Jealousy
11. Kindness
12. Lateral Thinking – Edward De Bono Concept
13. Managing Anger and Anxiety
14. Narcissist’s Behaviour
15. Obsession
16. Positive Thinking
17. Quotients (IQ and SQ)
18. Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy
19. Stress Management
20. Types of Personality and Personality Disorders
21. Understanding Self
22. Visionary Attitude
23. Willpower
24. Xenophobia
25. Yelling
26. Zeal; Zodiac Signs
References and Suggested Further Readings


Year of publication







374 (In Grams)

Book Code

Library Dollar Price




Dr. S. Ravishankar


Himalaya pub