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Advertising Sales and Promotion Management


SKU: 7e232baf8f72 Category:

Advertising is the most visible activity of an organization which stares us in the face wherever we are. It is a complex though delightfully interesting, subject which is part of a science, part of an art. This book deals with the nuts and bolts of the subject.

Promotion goes beyond advertising, Personal selling, public relations and sales promotion are all part of promotion. Each has its place and significance. All these have been treated adequately in this book.

This book is a useful companion for these who study or practice promotion management or communication management.


Contents :

1. Basic Concepts of Promotion Communications
2. Fundamentals of Advertising
3. Advertising Research
4. Marketing and Advertising Planning
5. Advertising Agency
6. Market Analysis: Segmentation and Targeting
7. Creativity, Creative Strategy and Copywriting
8. Art Direction
9. Media Planning
10. Print Media
11. Electronic Media : TV-The New Golden Goose
12. Electronic Media : Radio
13. Outdoor and Transit Media
14. Media of the New Millennium-Internet
15. Advertising Regulation
16. Word of Mouth Advertising
17. Direct Marketing
18. Sales Promotion
19. Public Relations
20. Nature and Scope of Sales Management
21. Sales Management, Personal Selling and Salesmanship
22. Personal Selling Objectives
23. Sales-Related Marketing Policies
24. Personal Selling Strategy
25. The Job of a Sales Manager
26. Sales Organisation
27. Personnel Management in the Selling Field
28. Recruiting Sales Personnel
29. Selecting Sales Personnel
30. Sales Training
31. Execution and Evaluation Sales Training Programmes
32. Motivation and Morale of Sales Persons
33. Compensating Sales Persons
34. Management of Sales Expenses
35. Sales Meeting and Sales Contests
36. Controlling Sales People-Evaluation and Supervision
37. Sales Budget
38. Sales Quotas
39. Sales Territories
40. Sales Control and Cost Analysis


Year of publication







696 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price







Himalaya pub