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Agricultural Economics (Sem 3, NEP Karnataka)


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Agricultural Economics is prescribed as compulsory paper for 3rd semester students under National Education Policy. It is designed in keeping the view of student who have opted Economics as discipline. It is designed by using simple language and used simple text design to understand the subject easily even by average student, text is made in simple pedagogy, which help the student to understand the subject easily and capable to face the examination with confidence. The book, including basic concepts, theories and Present issues of Agricultural Economics. At the same time, the book includes a number of innovative and interactive features designed to enhance student learning, instructors can also customize the book adapting it to the approach that works best in their classroom. This book organised into eight chapter; book has been written to cater to the need of under graduate’ students. Further examples have been added into the concepts to prepare for the project work and gaining practical knowledge. This book is student friendly and worth readable and has value for money.


Contents –

Unit I – Agriculture and Economic Development
1. Introduction to Agricultural Economics
2. Agriculture in Economic Development
3. Structural changes and Agriculture in India
Unit 2 – Theory of Agricultural Growth and Development
4. Transformation of Traditional Agriculture
5. Dual Economy Models and Other Theories
Unit 3 – Strategy of Agricultural Development in India
6. Land Reforms and Policy
7. Agriculture Finance
8. Agricultural Marketing


Year of publication






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Amara Narayana Swamy,

Surappa Nayak,

T.C. Chandrashekar


Himalaya pub