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Beginners Guide on Effective Research – Get Organised

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The book is written in lucid language to provide useful and educational information to all aspiring Ph.D. or doctorate students in India or abroad, and discover the nuances and fundamentals of research study. It can be understood and consumed by all research students of any discipline. It is meant to be insightful and provides an overview of every aspect of research. It is written keeping in mind the journey of research originating from a simple thought or idea in your mind to its logical culmination of findings and contribution to a body of knowledge. The authors brainstormed for many months to ensure they use their knowledge, qualifications and experience to provide a product that is practical, relatable and is different from what is available in the market. It is the authors’ earnest and purposeful attempt to motivate you in your journey of research. Once you read the book, you will be armed with the requisite knowledge to embark on your journey and implement what you have read in a systematic and disciplined manner. We recommend that readers write to the authors for clarifications where required with liberty. After all, this book has been written with readers’ interest kept in mind. You can also reach out to us to give us your invaluable feedback and comments.


Contents –

1. Introduction: Research – What? Why? How?
2. Research Proposal – How to Prepare it?
3. Introduction of Research Topic – Do’s and Don’ts
4. Hypothesis/Hypotheses
5. Literature Review: Search – Analysis – Referencing
6. Choose Research Design – Ask Why and How?
7. Research Methods and Research Methodology
8. Data Collection – Analysis, Findings and Conclusion
9. Measurement, Rating and Scaling
10. Use of Statistical Tools – If So, When? Why?
11. Current Trends in Business and Management Research
12. Research – Some Ethical Issues
13. Nuances of Academic Writing
14. Viva Voce – How to do Self-evaluation
15. Final Sermon – Do’s and Don’ts