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Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility


SKU: ba6c6cb5cb71 Category:

Ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have now emerged as the new buzzwords in the field of business. Businesses have realized that unethical behaviour not only creates legal risks but also creates financial and marketing risks. Managing these risks requires managers and executives to remain vigilant about their company’s ethics. With increasing importance being attached to ethics by both, customers and society, no company can afford to neglect the maintenance of prescribed ethical standards. Ethical behaviour and an ethical reputation play a key role in determining the success of the business.

For business students, the study of ethics should be as necessary as the need to study the other subfields of business education. Without this background, students will be unprepared for a career in contemporary business. Even for students not aspiring for a career in business management or business administration, familiarity with business ethics is a must.

Corporate Social Responsibility is the ethical behaviour of a company towards society It involves engaging directly with local communities, identifying their basic needs, and integrating their needs with business goals and strategic intent. The Government perceives CSR as the business contribution to the nation`s sustainable development goals. Essentially, it is about how business takes into account the economic, social and environmental impact on the way it operates. Simply stated, CSR is a concept which suggests that commercial corporations must fulfil their duty of providing care to the society.

This book gives a detailed insight into the syllabus from the Indian perspective. This book is written in a lucid and easily understandable style to benefit the students. The teaching community will find the book beneficial as all the topics of the syllabus areexhaustively covered.

Book Content of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  1. Business Ethics
  2. Business Ethics − Conceptual Background
  3. Indian Perspective of Ethics
  4. Ethics: A Global Perspective
  5. Corporate Governance
  6. Concept of Corporate social Responsibility
  7. CSR: Within the Organisation
  8. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Society

Year of publication






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Dr. K. Govinda Bhat,

Ms. Sumitha Ayodhya


Himalaya pub