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Business Law for Management Volume II


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“Business Law for Management” has been penned with particular concentration on presenting the commercial law in a simplified and codified form. It is aimed to be of utility in day-to-day application of law to every reader, whether a student for management, a businessman or a consumer, industrialist or a trader, professional, executive, managerial personnel, exporter or importer, investor, depository, participant, brokers in share market, law maker or law enforcer.

For any legal pursuit, basis and foundation of commercial law has to be firm and strong. This book is just an ideal reading material to all open to business and legal environment. It is penned to widen the horizons of the reader and familiarise him with legal concepts, theoretically and practically. Substantive and procedural law has been grouped and discussed under suitable headings, topic-wise with important and recent judicial decisions. Basic law is to be known by all and sundry, for ignorance of law is no excuse. The book, therefore, deals with the essential aspects of the commercial law in daily use, in a lucid language, easy to understand and grasp the otherwise complex law.

Most of the commercial laws discussed in the text are : Vol. I – Contract, Indemnity and Guarantee, Bailment and Pledge, Agency, Sale of Goods, Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, Negotiable Instruments, Consumer Protection, Foreign Exchange Management, Information Technology, Intellectual Property Rights. Vol. II – Company Law, Competition, SEBI, Securities and Stock Exchanges, Public Issues, Investor Protection, Depository and Bird’s Eye View of Constitution of India.


Contents –

1. Company Law
2. Law of Competition
3. Securities Exchange Board of India
4. Securities and Stock Exchanges
5. Investor Protection – Public Issue
6. Depository
7. Birds’ Eye View of Constitution of India


Year of publication







1090 (In Grams)

Library Dollar Price




Mr. K.R. Bulchandani


Himalaya pub