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Business Marketing Concepts and Cases


SKU: PCM0747 Category:

Business Marketing – Concepts and Cases has been written for Management Postgraduate Students, Marketing Professionals, Small Businesses, and Startups. It covers concepts and cases that shall provide a fair understanding to the readers of how organisations market their products or services to other organisations. It covers aspects related to marketing in industries, startups, institutions and government. The book provides both theoretical as well as practical perspectives on marketing to various businesses. This will make the readers proficient enough to apply the learnings at their workplace effectively. The concepts related to personal selling skills, digital and social media marketing have also been discussed. The book contents have been prepared keeping into consideration the courses such as B2B Marketing, Industrial Marketing and Business Marketing, which are part of the curriculum in MBA and PGDM programs.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Business Marketing
2. Business Buyer and Buying Behaviour
3. Purchase Process in Businesses
4. Marketing Intelligence, Segmentation and Positioning
5. Product and Pricing Strategies
6. Distribution and Promotion Strategies
7. Sales and Relationship Management
8. Digital and Social Media in Business Marketing


Year of Publication





228 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Sumesh Raizada


Himalaya pub