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Business Organisation and Market Dynamics (Sem 1, Bangalore Univ)


SKU: b1b3ff67ac9d Category:

Covid-19 has impacted heavily on all business organisations. Even personal lives are disrupted. After the emergence of Covid-19 sometime in November-19, Volatlity and uncertainty is still continued in all economics of the world. Till such time the vacccination or cure is available, the onslaught of this pandemic continues. As covid spree continues, business organisations have to structure their operational models to survive and recover investment losses. Drivers of business will have to implement contingency plans to have atleast break-even. But anxiety continues.

Recovery path looks to be very tough. because, organisations until change their behaviours, cannot easily recover. Willingness to adapt new behaviours can only help organisations to come out of severity of recession caused by covid-19.

Prior to the appearance of Covid-19 on the business scene, business organisations existed in an environment that was complex in nature and for many marginal organisations it was a question of survival. Business organisations can survive and prosper, if they adapt new survival models, which mainly focuses on honesty, ethics and value system. This is what we refer to “new behaviour”.


Contents –

Unit I: Forms of Business Entities
1. Business Organisation- I (Sole Trading Concern)
2. Business Organisation- II (Partnership Firm)
3. Formation of Company
Unit II: Formation of Joint Stock Companies
4. Formation of Company
5. Documents of Company
6. Capital of Company
Unit III: Management of Joint Stock Companies
7. Management of Company
8. Company Secrtetary
9. Company Meeting
10. Corporate Governance
Unit IV: Market Forces, Structure and Behaviour
11. Demand Analysis
12. Law of Supply
13. Market Structure
14. Monoploy
15. Monopolistic Competition
16. Oligopoly and Duopoly
Unit V: Financial Market
17. Financial Markets
Business Lab Activities


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price




Year of publication






D. N. Sowmya,

Prof. H.A. Bhaskar,

Prof. H.R. Appannaiah


Himalaya pub