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Business Planning and Entrepreneurial Management (Sem 3, BMS Mumbai Univ)


SKU: PCG0667 Category:

The concept of ‘Entrepreneurial Studies’ has appreciably changed in nature and content over the years. It is no longer considered an assortment of all sorts of arbitrary facts and figures to choose from. Instead, it is now increasingly becoming more of a systematic, purposeful and objective study of a wide range of disciplines, cultural variances, value systems and environment around us.

Entrepreneurial development and management has come to be recognised globally as the key to rapid and sustainable economic development as well as the welfare and progress of mankind.

More so, it is the entrepreneurs who have been largely instrumental in forming a strong link between agriculture and industry. Indeed, the entrepreneurs with their vision and innovative qualities lay down a strong foundation for sustainable growth, be it the industry, agriculture, trade or the service sectors. Moreover, sustainable growth is most conducive for a healthy society, i.e., an entrepreneurial society.

Successful new business ventures and economic development do not just happen. They are the result of the combination of right environment, planning, effort, and innovation. And this right mix can only be achieved by the entrepreneurs. They provide a clear blueprint for stimulating research, technology, finance to help promote matured enterprises. At the same time, they enrich the eco-system and give a boost to economic growth. Economic growth refers to an increase in a country’s production or income per capita, with economy’s total output of goods and services being measured by Gross National Product (GNP). At the present juncture, the country needs much more than growth. Economic development, on the other hand, goes beyond economic growth to include changes in output, distribution and economic structure, which may affect such things as improvement in material well-being of the poor, technical breakthrough, increase in economic activities, increase in the educational level and improvement in health.

Literature on entrepreneurship development and management has been growing in recent years. Though there have been numerous articles in various journals on entrepreneurial development, especially in India and quite a few edited books containing articles on different aspects of the subject by different authors, there remains an imbalance in the coverage of topics. It is, therefore, no exaggeration to say that there has not been a single comprehensive book on the subject, explaining, analysing and assessing the various aspects of the subject. This book is intended to help evolve a perspective of development of the vital sectors of the national economy and furnish the much-needed information on this subject.

The purpose of the book is to describe the essential features of an entrepreneur and entrepreneurship to provide a sense of direction for planners and policymakers, on the one end, and the merging crop of young entrepreneurs, both men and women, educated, uneducated, professional and non-professional, to reap immense benefits and decide the future course of action, on the other.


Contents –

1. Introduction
Unit I : Foundations of Entrepreneurship Development
2. The Entrepreneur
3. The Concept of Entrepreneurship
4. Nature and Importance of Entrepreneurs
5. Characteristics and Qualities of Entrepreneur
6. Theories of Entrepreneurship
7. Entrepreneurial Environment
8. Entrepreneurial Culture
Unit II : Types and Classification of Entrepreneurs
9. Types and Classification of Entrepreneurs
10. Intrapreneurs – Concepts and Development of Intrapreneurship
11. Women Entrepreneurs
12. Social Entrepreneurship
13. Entrepreneurial Development Programme
Unit III : Entrepreneur Project Development and Business Plan
14. Business Idea and Opportunities
15. Idea Generation
16. SWOT Analysis
17. Creating Entrepreneurial Venture
18. Business Planning Process
19. Methods of Marketing
20. Project Financing
21. Risk Management
Unit IV : Venture Development
22. Steps Involved in Starting of Venture
23. Institutional Support to an Entrepreneur
24. Marketing Channels
25. New Trends in Entrepreneurship


Year of publication







496 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Vasant Desai


Himalaya pub