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Business Policy and Strategic Management


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The overwhelming response from students and faculty members to the first edition of “Business Policy and Strategic Management” has pushed me to the Second edition. A new reading material “Corporate Social Responsibility and Performance: A Case of Canara Bank” has been include at the end of third chapter. A Case of Tata Refractories Ltd. And several Indian companies which have turned global specialists in turnaround are incorporated along with the 13th Chapter. Four new cases on Indian Railway, Vaigai Oils Ltd., Aravind Eye Hospital and Infosys are included in this edition in response in response to the requests from a section of faculty members. The latest question paper on Strategic Management of Anna University is included at the end for the benefit of students.


Contents :

1. The strategic Management
2. Mission and Goals
3. Corporate Government and Social Responsibility
4. External Environment
5. Porter’s Five Forces Model and Strategic Groups
6. Competitive Advantage: Resource, Capabilities and Core Competencies
7. Internal Scanning: Organizational Analysis
8. Strategy Formulation: Situation Analysis
9. Strategy Formulation: Corporate strategy
10. Strategy Formulation: At the business Level
11. Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy
12. Strategy in Global Environment
13. Building and Restructuring the Corporation
14. Strategy Choice and Balanced Scorecard
15. Implementation of Strategy: Designing Organizational Structure to Strategy
16. Designing Strategic Control System: Matching Control and Structure to Strategy
17. Matching Structure and Control to Strategic
18. Implementation of Strategic Change: Politics, Power and Change
19. Techniques of Strategic Evolution and Control
20. Strategic Issues in Managing Technology and Innovation
21. Strategic Issues in Entrepreneurial Ventures and Small Businesses
22. Strategic Issues in Not-for-profit Organization
Case Study – What it is?
Illustrative Case – Robinhood
Canara Bank
Coffee Board in Liberalized ERA
A Case Study of Indian Railways
Vaigai Oils
Infosys and Narayana Murthy
Dr. Venkatasamy of Aravind Eye Hospital


Year of publication







446 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Mrs. M. Jeyarathnam


Himalaya pub