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Business Policy and Strategic Management


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Business policy and Strategic Management (Text and Cases) is the new addition, to the newly emerging area in Management Discipline. The book has been written with a good investment of effort by optimally utilizing the experience capital so as to yield maximum result for the good of management students, business executives and public administrators. Most of the issues have been discussed, analysed and thrashed out in Indian context so as to make them intelligible to an average India student and executive.

The book contains four parts: Part I deals with strategy formulation in which one chapter has been devoted exclusively to the evolution of Strategic Management; Part II deals with Strategy Implementation in which special emphasis has been laid on environmental analysis and scanning, organizational structure and Strategy, technology, leadership and resource deployment. Part III highlight the mechanics of evaluation and control apart from focusing in a substantial manner on International Strategic Management which has become the core issue at present both in developing and developed countries. Part IV contains case studies which have been carefully chosen to give exercise to young and experienced executives to tackle different business issues relating to strategic management.

The book will prove extremely useful to the students preparing for MBA programme and competitions, business executives in taking strategic decisions and the government which is interested in providing effective governance.

Contents :

Part I : Strategy Formulation
1. Business Policy : An Overview
2. Strtegic Management A Conceptual Analysis
3. Corporate Planning
4. Evolution of Strategic Management
5. Mission, Objectives and Goals
Part II : Strategy Implementation
6. Strategy and Structure
7. Environmental Analysis
8. SWOT Analysis
9. Strategic Analysis
10. Strategic Choices
11. Implementing Strategy and Organisational Structure
12. Strategy, Technology Leadership and Resource Development
Part III : Strategy Evaluation and Control
13. Evaluation and Control of Strategy
14. International Strategic Management – I
15. International Strategic Management – II
Part IV : Case Studies


Year of publication







886 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




N.S. Gupta


Himalaya pub