Look Inside

It is greatly rewarding to have now completed the Business Statistics textbook, and we continue to be grateful for the extraordinary number of faculty and students that have used and supported the textbook over all these editions. With each successive edition, we have paid special attention to changing teaching practices and student needs. And yet, from the very first edition, this book has followed a very consistent set of goals, which remain at the core of its philosophy and mission.

We have great pleasure in presenting this edition of “Business Statistics” written for students of BBA courses. The related matters are written in a simple and easily understandable language with sufficient support from real business information.

This volume is an attempt to provide the students with thorough understanding of introduction to statistics, classification of data and tabulation, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, skewness, correlation and regression. We have presented the subject matter in a systematic manner with liberal use of charts and diagrams wherever necessary so as to make it interesting and sustain students’ interest.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Measures of Central Tendency
3. Measures of Dispersion
4. Skewness and Kurtosis (SK)
5. Correlation and Regression (Linear)
Frequently Asked Important Questions


Year of publication







424 (In Grams)



K. Raghuveer,

K. Sucharita,

Santhi Vedula,

V. Karunasree


Himalaya pub