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Contemporary Issues in Business and Management


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Present Day Business Practices have enormously impacted Life of Common People.

Change in Patterns of Consumption, Taste, Likes, Preferences and Life Style are indicators, for assessing paradigm shift in the Business Markets.

Dominance of Service based Industries is a signal that a Consumer wants to be Served for Convenience and for raising Standard of Living.

Fortune of Business Corporations rests in the hands of Consumers, as they are the end users. This situation of Market has enormous potential; the only thing an Organization needs is to harness this opportunity by adopting Customer- Centric Business Models.

The chapters presented in this book will help the readers in understanding Business problems and linked solutions. Cases from multiple work scenarios and Functional Areas are included in this Book including Banking Sector, Mall Cineplex, Communication Sector (Mobile Companies), Financial Sector etc.

We hope that this Book will be able to satisfy the hunger of incisive Minds and acknowledge the contribution of authors and are thankful to them for their support in bringing out this book.

Contents :

1. Mobile Number Portability in Indian Perspective
Dr. G.K. Deshmukh & Mr. S.K. Indurkar
2. Derivatives as A Boon or Curse for India
Dr. P.K. Gupta & Dr. Lotica Surana
3. Contingency Approach to Management in Different Types of Environment
Dr. Ambalika Sinha & Malavika Sinha
4. Efficiency and Effectiveness of Management Practices in Mahabharata: A Study
Mr. Sushman Sharma & Mrs Garima Sharma
5. Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian Banking Sector: Past and Future
Dr. Brajesh Kumar Tiwari & Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh
6. Customer Relationship Management Practices in Multiplexes: A Comparative Study Between INOX and PVR in Raipur City
Archi Dubey & Dipti Baghel
7. Opportunities and Challenges in Marketing of Products Manufactured by Tribals
Sunil Vakayil, Dr. Ravi Jain & Prof. K.S. Thakur
8. A Financial Services and Customers’ Satisfaction of Western Union Money Transfer through Paul Merchants Limited in Azamgarh City
Anurag Srivastava & Prashant Rai
9. Women Entrepreneurship in India – Problems and Prospects
Dr. Kavita Gupta & Ms. Surbhi Tiwari
10. Performance Appraisal Correlate with Job Performance – A Study of Manufacturing and Service Organizations of Gwalior Region
Dr. Namrata Gupta, Pushpmala Pathak & Shivang Shrivastava
11. The Effect of Globalization on Higher Education
Dr. Jitendra Kumar
12. Contemporary Issues in Management
Dr. Praveen Sahu
13. Google versus Gurus
Dr. Neeraj K. Dubey


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Dr. Ajay Wagh,

Dr. Shailendra Singh


Himalaya pub