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Contemporary Issues in Indian Society


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As we are all aware, the nutrition aspect within the female upbringing is a matter of serious concern, especially in the sub-continental context. There are several studies. Highlighting the nutritional deficiencies within various female age groups. In fact, the economic cross-section of some of these studies has thrown up some interesting figures and conclusions. Evidently, lack of nutrition amongst girls is not just the issue that plagues the lower economic group of our society, but it has achieved monstrous proportions in the important affluent economic group too. Nutrition is an important and most topical subject of this era. It is necessary that the department of higher education along with various educational institute collaborate with social welfare department, research which is of paramount social importance.

Generally speaking, if an adolescent girl is malnourished then it invariable leads to a low birth weight baby; this subsequently grown up to become a malnourished adolescent, who in turn further gives birth to a low birth weight baby. I’ve seen that malnutrition often springs from misinformation and malpractice. In the rural and tribal areas of India, there is a culture of feeding male child ad libitum. We sincerely believe that nutrition of adolescent girls is a matter of utmost important, as only well nourished mothers can give birth to normal weight babies. The Government of India has factored this issue while formulating various benefit schemes that take care of the nutritional status of children in general and girls in specific. Integrated child development scheme is one of such scheme which is applicable to all the states throughout Indian since last four decades. Such is the vicious circle of malnutrition. Hence, we have choosen to take this crucial subject as the main focus of our book.

Contents :

1. Management of Hunger and Malnutrition in India
– Dr. Nini Gulla
2. Healthy Old Age
– Dr. Vrushali Datar
3. National Food Security Bill – A Mirage or Reality Cure the Curse of Child Malnutrition in India?
– Dr. Ceene paul
4. A Child’s Nutritional with No Gender Discrimination: Responsibility of Mother-Teacher Dyad
– Dr. Rashmi Vyavaharkar
5. Gender and Nutritional Security for Economic Development – Challenges for India
– Sumita Guha
6. Causes and Implication in India
– Mr. Vishnu J. Bhandore
7. Effect of Physical Activity in Young Women (Aged 15-24 Years) Having Dysmenorrhea
– Mrs. Anuradha Shekhar & Ms. Swarada Pitkar
8. Public Participation in Nutrition Management
– Ms. Jyoti joshi
9. Problem of Women’s Mahnutrition in India with Special Reference to Mumbai City
– Dr. Mrs. Beenu Singh
10. Dietary Intake of Adolescent Girls (15-21 Years) Residing in Urban Slum Areas of Dharavi, Mumbai
Ms. Mitra Ajgaonkar
11. Promoting Health Living
– Ms. Alka Pant
12. Malnutrition and its Effect on Menarche in Indian Girls
– Ms. Shama Ajay Chavan


Year of publication







380 (In Grams)

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Dr. Nini S. Gulla


Himalaya pub