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Corporate Accounting (Kuvempu Univ)

Student Price 350.00

SKU: e9bd035e1580 Category:

We are happy to place before the teachers and students the Corporate Accounting (Financial Accounting, Volume – III) which is prepared keeping in mind the syllabus of Corporate Accounting course prescribed for the third semester of B.Com. of Kuvempu University. This volume is the outcome of our experience in teaching Accounting courses for different levels and for many years. This book is prepared systematically explaining the concepts, procedure, rationale, etc., unequivocally followed many appropriate illustrations drawn from the question papers of previous examinations. A large number of problems are solved wherein each important and difficult adjustment / entry is explained in the form of working notes. And the presentation and analysis are simple but systematic. This book satisfies the needs and expectations of students and teachers.


Contents –

I. Valuation of Shares
II. Final Accounts of Companies
III. Underwriting of Shares and Debentures
IV. Company Accounts – Other Issues
V. Profit Prior to Incorporation