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Corporate Accounting (Sem 3, Bengaluru City Univ)

Student Price 210.00

SKU: bf95b9d419c9 Category:

Our experience in teaching commerce subjects, especially Accountancy, is in the form of this book in your hands. This book “Corporate Accounting” is prepared for the syllabus requirements of Third Semester B.Com., of Bangalore University.

Being student friendly is the unique feature of this book. The subject matter has been presented systematically, which can enable the reader to master the topics covered, without any additional guidance. Most later provisions have been incorporated in this book.


Contents –

1. Issue of shares
2. Issue of Debentures
3. Underwriting of Shares and Debentures
4. Financial Statement of Companies
5. Valuation of Goodwill
6. Valuation of Shares
7. Managerial Remuneration