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Corporate Accounting (Telangana Univ)

Student Price 180.00

SKU: fd9119ba66f2 Category:

The “Corporate Accounting” book has been written for 4th Semester students of B.Com. Course under common core syllabus of all universities in the state of Telangana.

Efforts have been made to present the concepts in easily understandable manner. Utmost care has been taken to include sufficient number of illustrations and exercise problems supported by relevant and required theoretical concepts in each and every unit.

In Bank Accounts, Liquidation of Companies and Internal Reconstruction, material has been added or replaced in relevant places to provide updated knowledge in view of the revisions in provision norms for asset classification of RBI and Companies Act.

In this context, we have concentrated on the facts of existing practices taking into consideration the changes in the corporate financial statements. In relevance to that, more number of problems have been incorporated in each unit for the benefit of students. Objective oriented questions have been framed to facilitate the students in attemptin internal examinations as per the semester patern.


Contents –

1. Liquidation of Companies
2. Amalgamation and Absorption
3. Internal Reconstruction of Companies
4. Accounts of Banking Companies
5. Accounts of Insurance Companies and Insurane Claims