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Corporate Restructuring Merger, Acquisition and Other Forms


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During the last two decades or so, the global industrial landscape had been completely redrawn by the forces of globalization, deregulation and unprecedented technological development. Companies have responded to the competitive pressures unleashed by these forces through extensive repositioning programmes involving mergers, acquisitions, alliances, divestitures and demergers. Back home in India, most Indian companies and business groups would seem to have been caught unawareness initially by the momentous and rapid changes brought about by the economic reforms. However, after the tentativeness of the early years of reform, several of them would seem to have come to terms with the new realities of an intensively competitive domain and have been undertaking extensive restructuring both at the operational and at the strategic levels. In this scenario, it is important that the management students are to be fully alive to the complex issues associated with corporate restructuring based growth strategies so that they, in turn, are able to manage the problem in their professional career. In this context, this book, Corporate Restructuring: Merger, Acquisition and Other Forms, will make useful reading capturing the important concepts and texts of corporate restructuring along with highlighting some practical cases from India and abroad.

The book has been divided into four sections. The first section deals with the concepts and strategy for corporate restructuring. As M&As is the most popular and important form of corporate restructuring, the second section is exclusively devoted for its basics, procedure, issues and aspects, due diligence process, basics of target valuation and its different methods. In addition, this section includes the legal and regulatory framework, accounting aspect and risks management aspect of M&As in Indian context. While the third section of the book portrays other forms of corporate restructuring, viz: demergers, takeovers, strategic alliance, joint ventures, ESOPs and share buybacks; the last section interestingly deals with the most important aspect of these business dealings-the case studies on some of the world`s most remarkable restructuring cases in contemporary times, conspicuously: DaimlerChrysler, Citigroup-Travelerss, Takeover of Raasi Cements by India Cements, Bharti-Wal-Mart Retail, Strategic Alliance of Yahoo! and e-Bay, Tata-Tetley acquisition through LBO, ESOPs by Infosys Technologies Ltd., and Buyback of Siemens Ltd.

Contents :

Section : I – Basics
1. Corporate Restructuring: An Overview
2. Corporate Restructuring: A Strategic Perspective
Section : II – Merger and Acquisition
3. Merger and Acquisition: Basics
4. Procedure, aspects and issues in Merger and acquisition
5. Due Diligence
6. Basics of Valuation
7. Business Valuation Methods
8. The Legal and Regulatory Framework
9. Accounting for Merger and Acquisition
10. Managing Risks in Merger and Acquisition
Section : III – Other Forms
11. Demerger
12. Takeover
13. Strategic Alliance
14. Joint Venture
15. Leveraged Buy Out (LBO)
16. Employee Stock ownership Plan (ESOP)
17. Financial Restructuring: Shares Buyback
Section : IV – Case Studies
18. Case Studies


Year of publication







636 (In Grams)

Book Code

Library Dollar Price




Dr. Bhagaban Das,

Dr. Debdas Raskhit,

Dr. Sathya Swaroop Debasish


Himalaya pub