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Customer Relationship Management (Sem 4- Bengaluru City Univ)


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This title is written for beginners to understand the concepts of Customer Relationship Management. As a subject of study in the core area of degree level, most of the universities offering business education have introduced Customer Relationship Management as one of the essential subjects of study for the reason cited above. In this context, this title is prepared to give a broad outline of CRM covering mainly the syllabus content at degree level. The process and the components of Customer Relationship Management are explained in sequential order commencing from understanding the basics of CRM to CRM implementation. At the end of each chapter graded questions are given for self-study. We earnestly hope that students will have great benefit from this. Students an teachers may send the feedback to publishers or authors to enrich the book in future editions.

In recent times, Customer Relationship Management has become the buzzword in the business world. CRM aligns business process to build customer loyalty and increase sales. CRM helps companies in understanding their customers and offering products or services that meet their expectations. Companies use Analytical CRM, Data Warehousing, and Data Mining to get insight into customer buying behaviour. By integrating several facilities available, companies are striving to build a long-lasting relationship with the customers. Companies are working towards capturing customer lifecycle data to understand buying patterns of different customers. Supply Chain Management, Supplier Relationship Management, and Market Basket Analysis are some of the emerging concepts in the area of CRM.


Contents –

1. CRM Concepts
2. CRM in Marketing
3. Role of Consumer Behaviour in CRM Process
4. Sales Force Automation
5. Analytical CRM
6. Supply Chain Management -I (Basic and Inventory Management)
7. Supply Chain Management -II (Warehose and Transport Management)
8. Supply Chain Management -III (Information Technology and Packaging)
9. CRM Implementation


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Year of publication






H.R. Ramanath,

Prof. H.R. Appannaiah


Himalaya pub