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Database Systems (Sem 1, Mumbai Univ)


SKU: PSM0689 Category:

It gives us immense pleasure to present this First Edition of “Database Systems” to the teachers and students of Bachelor of Computer Science, First Year, First Semester. This book has been written as per the syllabus prescribed by the University with effect from academic year 2016-17.

Information is a valuable resource to an organization. Computer software provides an efficient means of processing information, and database systems are becoming increasingly common means by which it is possible to store and retrieve information in an effective manner. This book provides comprehensive coverage of fundamentals of database management system. This book is for those who wish a better understanding of relational data modeling, its purpose, its nature, and the standards used in creating relational data model. Relational databases are the most popular database management systems in the world and are supported by a variety of vendor implementations. Majority of the practical tasks in industry require applying relatively not complex algorithms to huge amounts of well structured data. The efficiency of the application depends on the quality of data organization. Advances in database technology and processing offer opportunities for using information flexibility and efficiently when data is organized and stored in relational structures. The relational DBMS is a success in the commercial marketplace with respect to business data processing and related applications. This success is a result of cost-effective application development combined with high data consistency. The success has led to the use of relational DBMS technology in other application environments requesting its traditional virtues, while at the same time adding new requirements.

Chapter 1 describes introduction to data and database. Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5 describes Data Models, ER Models, Normalization and Data Models. Chapters 6 to 15 describes Relational Algebra, DDL, DML, DCL, functions, sub-queries, views and data protection with DBA.

The concept and theory of each topic is followed by the theoretical explanation, some selfassessment questions, all practical solutions of RDBMS and SQL commands are provided.


Contents –

1. Introduction to DBMS
2. Data Models
3. Entity Relationship Model
4. Relational Data Model
5. ER to Table
6. Schema Refinement and Normalization
7. Relational Algebra
8. DDL Statements
9. DML Statements
10. Functions
11. Joining Tables
12. Subqueries
13. Database Protection
15. DCL Statements
Practicals of Database Systems


Year of publication







326 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Kiran Gurbani,

Madhuri Bankar,

Rupali Jawale


Himalaya pub