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Economic Environment of Business (With Case Studies)


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COVID-19 has had an adverse impact on economic environment of business all over the world. Millions have lost their jobs and many have been pushed below the poverty line. Consumer demand has declined steeply and supply chains across the world have been severely disrupted. It will take long for the economies to recover. The war in Ukraine has given another setback to business recovery. According to World Economic Outlook released by IMF in April 2022, the Global Economic Growth in 2022 and 2023 is expected to be much lower than projected earlier. Even the Indian Economy is expected to overcome the impact of COVID-19 fully only by the year 2034-35 as projected in the latest ‘Report on Currency and Finance’ published by the RBI on April 28, 2022.

In this Twelfth Edition of our book, we attempt to examine all issues relating to the economic environment of business in general and India in particular. The discussion in the book is divided into two parts — Part I on ‘An Overview of Business Environment’ and Part II on ‘Environment of Business in India’.


Contents :

Unit 1 : Economic Environment : An Introduction

    1. 1. Business and Its Environment
    1. 2. Economic Environment of Business : Domestic
    1. 3. Global : Environment of Business
    1. 4. Economic Roles of The State and Government
    1. 5. Economic Fluctuations, Growth and Development
    1. 6. Market, Economic Planning and Controls

Unit 2 : Non-Economic Environment of Business

    1. 7. Political and Legal Environment of Business
    1. 8. Demographic And Socio-Cultural Environment of Business
    1. 9. Natural Environment and Business
    1. 10. Technological Environment of Business
    1. 11. Social Responsibility of Business

Unit 3 : Anatomy And Functioning of An Economy

    1. 12. Macroeconomic Framework-Basics
    1. 13. Consumption and Investment
    1. 14. National Income Determination
    1. 15. The Theory of Multiplier
    1. 16. The Two Market Equilibrium-IS/LM Model
    1. 17. Inflation and Stagflation
    1. 18. Monetary and Fiscal Policies
    1. 19. Issues in Economic Stabilisation: Keynesian-Monetarist Controversy

Unit 4 : Indian Economic Environment
20. Broad Profile of The Indian Economy and The Macroeconomic Scenario
21. Economic Reforms And Liberalisation
22. Globalisation and its Impact on Indian Economy
23. International Institutions-The IMF And World Bank
24. WTO And India
25. Infrastructure and Business
26. Agriculture and Business
Unit 5 : Business And Government-Indian Perspective
27. Economic Planning in India
28. India`s Fiscal and Monetary Policies
29. Industrial Policy
30. Export-Import Policy and Trade Liberalisation
31. SEZs: Concept, Role and Impact
32. FERA and FEMA
33. Consumer Protection
Unit 6 : Indian Industrial And Trade Environment
34. Industrial Growth and Diversification
35. Industries (Development And Regulation) Act, 1951 and Industrial Licensing
36. Public Sector in The Indian Economy
37. Private Sector in The Indian Economy
38. Privatisation and Disinvestment
39. Modern Corporations and The Indian Company Law
40. Mergers and Acquisitions
41. MRTP Act, 1969 and Competition Act, 2002 And 2007
42. Small-Scale and Cottage Industries
43. Industrial Sickness in India
44. Trends in Foreign Trade and Structural Changes
45. India`s Balance of Payments
46. Foreign Investment, Technology and Multinational Corporations
Unit 7 : Labour Environment In India
47. Features of Indian Labour Market
48. Industrial Labour
49. Implications of Economic Reforms for Labour Markets In India
50. Worker`s Participations in Management
Unit 8 : Financial Environment of Business
51. Indian Money Market
52. Capital Market in India
53. Stock Market and its Regulation
54. Commercial Banking in India
55. Financial Institutions
56. Black Money and Demonetisation


Year of publication







1458 (In Grams)

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S. K. Misra,

V.K. Puri


Himalaya pub