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Education in Emerging India


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In Today`s world, education is one of the chief concerns of a nation. The higher the ratio of educated citizens, the higher the chances of developing fast. Earlier, the process and the concept of education used to be very complex and cohesive. Various branches of knowledge were to be mastered upon in order to become a successful teacher or a scholar. However, the whole scenario has changed in the present context. Now, the emphasis is on specialisation. Almost in every walk of life, so many branches and sub-branches of education have evolved and a thorough and comprehensive study of more than one branch would certainly need a prolonged life, which is a thing of the bygone era, now. Of all the job-oriented programmes of study, B.Ed. is a preferred one. Various universities, deemed universities and colleges affiliated to them offer B.Ed courses. On the whole, it is a rich and interesting subject on which much more has been written so far. Here is a series of books for B.Ed student, as a bold initiative in this direction, which seeks to incorporate the maximum updated information on various aspects of the B.Ed course.


Book Content of Education in Emerging India
1. Perception of Education
2. Function of Education
3. Growth and Initiation
4. Primary Education
5. Secondary Education
6. College Education
7. University Education
8. Non-formal Education
9. Open Education
10. Philosophical Foudation of Education
11. Philosophy and Education
12. Theory of Realism
13. Theory of Pragmatism
14. Theory of Naturalism
15. Vivekanand`s Educational Philosophy
16. Gandhi`s Educational Philosophy
17. Tagore`s Educational Philosophy
18. Krishanamurthi`s Educational Philosophy
19. Rousseau`s Educational Philosophy
20. Montessori`s Educational Philosophy
21. Dewey`s Educational Philosophy
22. The Cussiculum
23. Types of Curriculum
24. Sociological Foundation of Education
25. Education and Social Change
26. The Teaching
27. Modes of Teaching
28. Principles of Teaching
29. Devices of Teaching



Year of publication





524 (In Grams)

Student Dollar Price




Dr. M.H. Syed


Himalaya pub