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Educational Technology


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This book has been written with several objectives, the most important being to make it a very useful textbook not only for the students of B.Ed. and M.Ed. courses, but also for Educational Technologists. This book lists the various aids at the teachers? disposal and I have put forth the best of my abilities to make it as simple as possible. Also certain hints are given on class management and organization appropriate to the most effective use of audio visual aids.

This book has also been written with an intention to make the teacher know about the varied types of audio-visual aids, the principles underlying the use of these aids, what type of aid will be most useful to him/her for particular purpose, where to obtain it, how prepare it, and to maintain it.


Contents :

1. Educational Technology : Its Nature and Scope
2. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
3. Audio Visual Aids
4. Projected Aids and Non-projected Aids
5. Psychological Basis of Audio-Visual Aids
6. Non-Projected Two-Dimensional Visual Aids
7. Non-Projected Three-Dimensional Visual Aids
8. Chalkboard and Other Boards
9. Activity Aids
10. Educational Television
11. The Process of Educational Television Scriptwriting
12. Media and Learning
13. Distance Education
14. Open University
15. Correspondence Education
16. Adults as Learners and Distance Learning Methods
17. Use of Modern Technology in Distance Education
18. Information Technology
19. Comunication
20. Information and Communication Technology
21. Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Education
22. Enhancing Teacher Education Through Information Technology
23. Instructional Strategies and Design
24. Simulation as Method of Teaching/Learning
25. Team Teaching Strategy
26. Cooperative Learning
27. Dialogue Method – A New Strategy
28. Flander’s Interaction Analysis Technique
29. System Approach
30. Application of Systems Analysis to Teacher-education
31. Micro Teaching
32. Models of Teaching – A Teaching Strategy
33. Programmed Learning
34. Library
35. Museums and Sanctuaries
36. Language Laboratory
37. New Spurts in Education — A Computer
38. E-Learning
39. E-Tutoring for Teacher – Educators
40. Implications of Mobile – Learning in Education and Training
41. PowerPoint Presentation
42. Educational Diagnosis and Testing
43. Transactional Analysis
Set of Questions


Year of publication






Library Dollar Price




Dr. Usha Rao


Himalaya pub