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Entrepreneurial Management (Sem 5, BBA Bangalore Univ)


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The concept of “Entrepreneurial Studies” has apprciably changed in nature and content over the years. It is no longer considered an assortment of all sorts of arbitrary facts and figures to choose from. Instead, it is now increasingly becoming more of a systematic, purposeful and objective study of a wide range of disciplines, cultural variances, value systems and environment around us.

Entrepreneurial development and management has come to be recognised globally as the key to rapid sustainable economic development as well as the welfare and progress of mankind.

Entrepreneurship management is basically concerned with the development, and coordination of entrepreneurial functions. An effective organisation, sound planning, proper coordination of business activities and rational decision-making are the important aspects of entrepreneurship management. The foundation of effective management needs both policy and strategy to be determined and made known.

The purpose of the book is to describe the essential features of an entrepreneur and entrepreneurship to provide a sense of direction for planners and policy-makers, on the one end, and the emerging crop of young entrepreneurs, both men and women, educated, uneducated, professional and non-professional, to reap immense benefits and decide the future course of action, on the other.


Contents –

1. Entrepreneurship – An Overview
2. Entrepreneur, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
3. Women Enterpreneurs
4. Types and Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
5. Entrepreneurial Development
6. Institutions in Aid of Entrepreneurship Development
Small-scale Industries
7. Small-scale Industries
8. Capital Investment
9. Ownership Patterns
10. SSI – Problems
11. SSI – Policies
Starting a Small Industry
12. Small Industry – Start-up Issues – I
13. Small Industry – Start-up Issues – II
Preparing the Business Plan
14. Preparing the Business Plan
Implementation of the Project & Sickness in SSI’s
15. Financial Institutions (for SSIs)
16. Non-financial Assistance
17. Financial Incentives and Industrial Estates
18. SSI – Sickness and Remedies
19. Skill Development


Year of publication






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Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Dr. Vasant Desai


Himalaya pub