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Environmental Biotechnology


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Industrial progress which has contributed to comforts and luxuries of human life will become more respectable if it maintains due regard to nature and its equilibrium. Biotechnology which has number of applications in fields of agriculture, medical, food, energy, industrial production has also its promises for environment protection. Apart from pollution control through biotreatment of wastes, Ecofriendly products and processes from biotechnology (as preventive approaches) will prove as effective options in future. This book aims to discuss `Industrial Pollution Management` as area of most concern in the field of environment biotechnology.

This book should useful to all students studying biotechnology`s role in environmental science as component under different disciplines of science and engineering. Biotreatment technologies useful for treatment of wastes from different industries is relatively less discussed area and though references are desired by students they have difficult time on search. This book will certainly give necessary concise initial information on this subject.

The earlier response to this book suggests the importance of the subject covered.

Contents :

1. Role of Biotechnology in Environment Protection
2. Microbiology and Biochemistry of Wastewater Treatment
3. Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment
4. Removal of Specific Pollutants
5. Bioenergy from Wastes
6. Bioremediation
7. Biotechnology for Hazardous Wastes Management
8. Biotechnology for Petrochemical Industry
9. Biotechnology for Pesticide Industry
10. Tannery Industry and Biotechnology
11. Paper Industry and Biotechnology
12. Biotechnology and the Dyestuff Industry
13. Biotechnology in Textile Industry
14. Biotechnology for Waste Treatment of Food and Allied Industries
15. Biotechniques for Air Pollution Abatement and Odour Control
16. Novel Methods of Pollution Control
17. Aiming for Biodegradable and Ecofriendly Products
18. Environmental Monitoring


Year of publication







406 (In Grams)

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Library Dollar Price




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Prof S.N. Jogdand


Himalaya pub