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Exploring Laboratory Experiments in Chemistry


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The book titled Exploring Laboratory Experiments in Chemistry Through Pre-lab and Post-lab Activities covers the standard experiments in Physical, Inorganic, Organic and Analytical chemistry, from the undergraduate chemistry laboratory curriculum. Use of pre-lab and post-lab approach in the proposed book would make it different from the routine laboratory manual. Efforts have been made to highlight safety and waste disposal of chemicals. A section on conceptualizing mini projects of 2-3 lab sessions in UG chemistry laboratory settings has also been included. This should help the students to get hands-on experience of the inquiry-based approach to perform experiments. The editors strongly feel that the experimental tasks in the book with pre-lab and post-lab questions and the section on mini projects will be the USP of the book and it would be the first of its kind in the Indian context.

Contents –

1. Safety and Waste Disposal of Chemicals
2. Determination of Rate Constant of Acid-catalyzed Hydrolysis of Ethyl Acetate
3. Determination of the Rate Constant of Base-catalyzed Hydrolysis of Ethyl Acetate
4. Determination of Order of Reaction: Kinetic Study of the Acid Catalyzed Reaction between Acetone and Iodine
5. Determination of Energy of Activation (Ea) of a Given Reaction
6. Investigating the Reaction between Potassium Permanganate–Oxalic Acid
7. Identification of given unknown Salt Solutions
8. Determination of Carbonate Rock Composition
9. Estimation of the Amount of Fe(II) and Fe(III) in the given Sample
10. Determination of Amount and Percentage of Aspirin in a given Sample of a Tablet
11. Synthesis of a Copper Coordination Complex and Analysing it for its Composition
12. Synthesis and Analysis of a Nickel Coordination Complex
13. Determination of Hardness of Water by Estimating its Ca(II) and/or Mg(II) Content using Complexometric Titration
14. Determination of the Concentration of Acetic Acid in a Commercial Vinegar Sample
15. Purification Techniques (Recrystallization, Distillation)
16. Determination of Purity of an Organic Compound (Melting Point, Boiling Point, TLC)
17. Identification of Organic Compounds
18. Benzoylation of Primary Amines
19. Hydrolysis of an Amide
20. Hydrolysis of an Ester
21. Nitration of Aromatic Compounds
22. Oxidation of Benzaldehyde
23. Synthesis of Azo Dyes
24. Synthesis of Schiff’s Base
25. Acetylation of Primary Amines
27. Synthesis of Aspirin from Salicylic Acid
28. Synthesis of Bisbenzalacetone
29. Conceptualizing Mini-projects/Projects in UG Chemistry Lab Setting



Year of Publishing




302 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Gulshanara Shaikh,

Lakshmy Ravishankar,

Savita Ladage


Himalaya pub