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Facing Group Discussions


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Indian youths are passing through the age of breakneck competition. There is no room for the lotus-eaters. If you intend to etch out your path on the hot sands of reality, you will have to distinguish yourself with more than-usual hard work and much more than usual perseverance. For almost every job there is, now, a two-tier test − the written and the oral. The written test shortlists candidates for the final selection, through the oral test comprising, Group Discussion and an interview, sometimes, only an interview. It is a common tendency to take Group Discussion and interview lying down; consequently, many deserving candidates fail to click while many dark horses add feathers to their caps. Group discussions and interviews are well − formulated devices of judging the overall suitability of candidates and thus, genuine candidates should make full preparation before facing a Group Discussion.

Suppose you have an impressive resume, a diverse network, stellar references and lots of talent, but you still can’t pass through that grueling group discussion test. Maybe your group discussion skills are letting you down every time you appear for a group discussion. And then if someone told you that you can learn to master the group discussions at rapid speed and instead of having group discussions jitters − you would start looking forward to them and would be able to potentially double or triple your odds for winning at group discussions, would knowing how to do this be worth to you.

Though this book designed to help candidates face any type of group discussion, it is specially written to ensure that you know the right answers and the right questions to come out of the group discussion as a winner. It allows you to learn how to masterfully handle the panic-attack provoking group discussion and make you understand how to dramatically increase your odds of winning at the group discussions.

What makes group discussions awesome and frightening is the factor of success or failure. We face an group discussion for something which is important enough to alter the course of our life. The stakes are often high, making the group discussions an occasion of’ ‘life or death’. Failure in a group discussion is humiliating, shameful and we may even begin to question our self − worth. On the other hand, success brings pride not only to us but to the family, community, neighborhood or alma mater.

Contents :

1. Introduction
2. What is Group Discussion?
3. Why Group Discussion?
4. Aim of Group Discussion
5. What Constitutes A Group Discussion
6. Group Discussion Technique
7. How To Succeed In A Group Discussion?
8. Qualities Required In a Candidate
9. Intellectual and Social Skills
10. How to Develop The Art of Discussion?
11. Generating Ideas for Discussion
12. Don`ts In Group Discussion
13. Do`s In Group Discussion
14. Some Group Discussion Session are Boring, Is it True?
15. Some Tips for Group Discussion
16. Attributes Considered By Observer
17. Group − Discussion − A Guide Line for Observers
18. Marking Criterion of various Attributes
19. How to Encourage Members during Group Discussions
20. Group Discussion Session: Transcending Beyond the testing and Evolution Phases
21. Language Paradigms during a Discussion
Live Case Study No. 1
Live Case Study No. 2


Year of publication







242 (In Grams)

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Library Dollar Price




Dr. Niraj Kumar


Himalaya pub