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Features and Writing for Social Justice (Sem 5, BAMMC, Mumbai Univ)


SKU: PCM0664 Category:

The news media such as print, broadcast & telecast platforms serve as an informational tool to achieve any organization’s communication goals. One effective writing material is a feature article. They are more detailed than traditional news stories and go beyond providing the most important facts. The purpose of these stories is to provide an in-depth description of a place, person, idea, or organization.

While reporters and editors classify features as news stories, they are not necessarily structured using the inverted pyramid style. Instead, features use storytelling devices to help the reader connect with the overall narrative and its central characters. Features are particularly common in magazine writing, although they frequently appear in other mediums.

It is important to understand the circumstances that warrant a feature piece from a strategic communication perspective. Communication professionals write features to provide in-depth exposure for their client or organization. A feature can increase a client or company’s visibility and even help find new key audiences.

‘Social justice’ has become just as prominent as ‘human rights’ in contemporary times. What is social justice exactly? It’s an essential concept of fairness within a society. That applies to fairness in wealth, opportunities, basic needs, and more. It’s expanded over the decades, and now we hear the term in discussions about gender, race, caste and the environment.

This book explores the various aspects of feature writing towards social justice. The readers shall understand the concerned case studies which have been well explored. In an attempt to engage readers, many stories of local events are included. The content is written in specific to the defined syllabus of undergraduate course of Multimedia and Mass Communication. As authors, being from the field of education and industry, the right blend of practical & theoretical perspective is presented to the students.


Contents –

1. Writing for Social Justice in the form of Features
2. Developing Features: Recent Trends in Writing
3. Social Divide: Exploring Through Case Studies
4. Articles/Blogs/ Opinion Pieces/Letter to Editors: With reference to Mumbai Part I
5. Articles/Blogs/ Opinion Pieces/Letter to Editors: With reference to Mumbai Part II


Student Dollar Price






Year of publication




Amrin Moger,

Seema Tiwari,

Sunder Rajdeep


Himalaya pub