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Fortran Self-Taught with Applications in Numerical Analysis

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This book is the outcome of the courses given to post-graduate students during the last twenty-five years. Fortran programming and techniques of numerical analysis are now taught in both the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculums of pure science, computer science as well as engineering programs; this book language is introduced here in a self-taught mode, and every feature of the language is explained lucidly numerical techniques, however, the required formulae for implementing all the techniques have been provided with sufficient detail. Any serious student is expected to be able to learn programming in have been solved to provide ample knowledge of program implementation in various areas of science and engineering, including numerical methods. Programs of all the problems of the Mathematical Physics Lab Courses, under the newly introduced UGC CBCS Physics Honors Curriculum, have been discussed in detail. This book is also possibly the first to discuss the Fortran language and numerical analysis technique in a ‘learn by doing it’ style. Altogether, 170 programs have been written explaining their logic and results of test runs have been supplied to develop the skills necessary to solve more complex problems.


Contents –

1. Introduction
2. Writing Simple Programs
3. Programs Using Control Statements
4. Programs Using Loops
5. Programs Using Format Statements
6. Programs Using Arrays
7. Programs Using Subprograms and Subroutines
8. Programs for Data File Handling
9. Programs for Complex Numbers
10. Introduction to Numerical Analysis
11. Evaluation of Polynomials
12. Solution of One Variable Non-Linear Equations
13. Solution of Two Variable Non-Linear Equations
14. Evaluation of All Roots of a Polynomial of Degree N
15. Solutions of System of Equations
16. Finding Eight Values and Eigenvectors of a Matrix
17. Solving Interpolation Problem
18. Evaluation of Definite Integrals
19. Evaluation of Derivative of a Function
20. Solutions of First Order Differential Equations
21. Curve Fitting by Least Square Method
22. Calculations of Special Functions
23. Generation and Applications of Random Numbers
24. Miscellaneous Problems
List of Programs


Year of publication








Pradip Kumar Mandal


Himalaya pub