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Global Pollution and Environmental Monitoring


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With the recent NOBEL PEACE PRIZE going to Environmental Studies, GLOBAL WARNING AND IT`S CONSEQUENCES have come to be recognized. We wish that climate changes may turnout as blessing, rather than disaster. But the scientific findings warns us to be prepared for the ultimate. The book, `GLOBAL POLLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING` brings centuries of Indian wisdom and moral courage to the world. If `Al Gore` advises India to lead from the front; it would be possible only by adopting new technologies and accepting help from the whole world. The book takes a new look at sampling procedure and instrumental methods of analysis. Radioactivity, Thermal and Noise as new pollutants are discussed in depth. The chemical, biological, physical and microbiological analysis of Air, Water and Soil are explained in detail. For the lawyers there are aspects of Environmental Laws and Internet facilities. The technical jargon`s in the book are kept to the minimum and the language is easy to follow. We wish this volume will be important reference book fro Scholars, Researchers, Teachers, Scientists, Lawyers and anyone who is interested in learning more about this beautiful subject.

Book Content of Global Pollution and Environmental Monitoring

    1. Environment Awareness
    2. Sampling Procedures
    3. Water
    4. Physical Examination of Water
    5. Chemical Examination of Water
    6. Physical – Chemical Analysis of Water
    7. Soil Analysis
    8. Instrumental Methods in Environmental Monitoring
    9. Radioactive Pollution
    10. Thermal Pollution
    11. Noise Pollution
    12. Micro – Organisms – Environmental Impact,
    1. Morphology and Enzymatic Activity

    2. Micro – Biological Analysis
    3. Water Microbiology – Selected Tests
    4. Industrial Microbiology
    5. Soil – Microbiology
    6. Biological Analysis
    7. Bacteriological Examination of Air
    8. Air Pollution Monitoring



Year of publication




Student Dollar Price




Dr. S.H. Purohit,

Prof. H.V. Jadhav


Himalaya pub