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History of India – I (Early Times to 1750) (Odisha Univ)


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Based on the available materials, the book on “History of India – I (Early Times to 1750)” provides an account on the history, institutions and culture of India from the earliest times to the advent of the Mughals. This book has been written for the history Generic Elective Students (2019-20) of the CBCS courses designed as a common syllabus for all Universities of Odisha. For the convenience of the students, different terminologies are clarified, Summary recaps are given, point and sub-points are highlighted, Model Questions are given and LMR (Last Minutes Revision) is also supplied.

Chapterisation of this book is student-friendly and as per the new common syllabus. Language of the content is very simple and lucid as a common student can easily grasp and appear for the examination. In preparing this book, we referred both classical as well as contemporary books and different web sources pertaining to the topics of the book. In the first unit of the book, vivid depiction has been made on the sources for the reconstruction of ancient Indian history, Vedic age, Buddhism and Jainism. In the following units, discussions were also made on Mauryan Empire, Gupta society and polity, achievements of Harshavardhan. Focus has also been given on Post-Gupta trade and commerce, Delhi Sultanate, Suffi and Bhakti movements, development of regional language and literature. The subsequent chapter deals with topics like Sher Shah and his administration, Mughal administrative institutions, Sulh-i-Kul, and Mughal art and architecture.

We hope, this book will surely find both students and teachers very useful and fulfill their needs. Lay readers interested in acquiring an insight into the glorious past of India shall also find the book quite useful and informative.


Contents –

UNIT I : Reconstructing Ancient Indian History
1. Sources of Historical Writings
2. Vedic Age: Society, Polity and Culture
3. Buddhism and Janism: Principles and Impact
UNIT II : Polity and Administration
4. The Mauryan Empire: Conquests and Administration
5. Gupta Society: Land Grants, Peasantry and Beginning of Feudal Society
6. Gupta Polity: Conquests and Administration
7. Harshavardhan: Acheivements
UNIT III : Early Medieval Society, Economy and Culture
8. Post-Gupta Trade and Commerce
9. Delhi Sultanate: Conquests and Administration
10. Bhakti and Sufi Movements in India
11. Development of Regional Language and Literature
UNIT IV : India on the Eve of the Advent of the Mughals
12. Sher Shah: Administration and Reforms
13. Mughal Administrative Institutions: Zabti, Mansab and Jagir
14. Religious Tolerance and Sulh-I-Kul
15. Mughal Art and Architecture Multiple Choice Questions
Model Question Papers
Last Minute Revision (LMR)
Books for References


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price




Year of publication




Abhijit Sahoo,

Manas Kumar Das


Himalaya pub