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HR Analytics A Textbook


SKU: PSM0960 Category:

This essential handbook will be of great help to the learners for navigating through ever-evolving landscape of Human Resource Management. In this book, we embark on a transformative journey through HR analytics, helping HR students and professionals, with practical insights and actionable steps for effective implementation. With its comprehensive syllabus, this book delves into understanding of HR analytics offering insights into HR data collection and its application. It also offers a thorough insight into the tools and methods instrumental in conveying and comprehending crucial HR information effectively.

It covers tests to check data, how to frame ideas for testing, and what the results mean. Additionally, it explores forecasting in HR, teaching how to predict using specific data and understand what those predictions show. It explore the different ways of evaluating employee performance analysis and various other HR practices and predicts the employees future behaviour or attrition analysis based on the data available. It comprises the study of different techniques, models to assess the best allocation of human resource for attainment of result and raising the general level of productivity.

“HR Analytics: A Textbook” is a practical resource that gives HR people the knowledge and skills to use data smartly to solve real HR problems.

Contents –

  1. Understanding HR Analytics
  2. HR Data Visualization
  3. HR Basics, Human Resource Forecasting and Diversity Index in HR
  4. Performance Evaluation and Attrition Analysis in HR
  5. Prescriptive Analytics

Year of Publication





326 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Aboli Mande,

Dr. Vaibhav Patil,

Kalyani Sachin Patil,

Pradip Kumar Sinha,

Smita Kumbhar


Himalaya pub