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Indian Organised Retail Industry – The Future Prospects


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Retail sector, particularly organised retail sector, is proving to be an important part in the economic development of developed as well as developing countries. India is no exception to this. Organised retail in India has come out from the shadows of unorganized sector and at present, is growing at rapid pace. It has been fuelled by favourable demographics, increasing wealth levels and rapidly changing lifestyles sad consumer aspirations of an ever wowing middle-class. Further, allowing FDI in multi-brand retail in near future would additionally boost the growth of all the modern formats of organised retail sector, including shopping malls. Introduction of shopping malls are hailed as the spark that led to the explosion of organised retail in the country and transformed the retail landscape.

Shopping malls, either small or large sized, are coming up in every parts of India and offering a place for shopping, dining and fun/entertainment to entire family-all under one roof. In other words, it is proving to be a place which attracts customers of all income groups, irrespective of age, to spend their time and money in a safe and comfortable environment. Besides providing large-scale employment, retail transactions in these shopping malls help the government in earning large amount of sales tax which is used by government, later on, in supporting all types of public services in the country. Generally, shopping malls cater to all customer segments and take care of their varying needs and expectations by formulating and implementing various innovative strategies. But the rapid rise of this large sized format is, somewhere, posing challenges to traditional retailers. As a result, traditional retailers are also gearing up to meet these challenges and minimise the effect of competition in this era of modern retailing. So, this study attempts to cover the various strategies implemented in retail sector.

This book has six chapters. This book is an attempt to understand and analyse the different strategies adopted by retail sector-organised sector (i.e., malls) and unorganised sector (i.e., traditional retailers). The study is undertaken in the Mumbai city as it is a major metropolitan city of India and secondly, it has the second largest malls in India after Delhi.

Contents :

1. Retail Sector in India
2. Literature Review
3. Strategies of Organised Retailers
4. Strategies of Organised Retailers-Malls
5. Statistical Analysis of Data and Interpretation
6. Suggestions


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Dr. K.Y. Shinde


Himalaya pub