The main idea in bringing out this book is to make learner get acquainted with computer knowledge. In this day, everybody is required to have knowledge of IT applications in business. Who wants to succeed in today’s world cannot afford to ignore IT knowledge. Everyone needs good skills in information technology and computer and computer in order to be successful in life.
This book titled “Information Technology“ has been written for all who want to know about information technology and applications of technology. It covers topic, such as foundation of IT in the modern organization, introduction to computer system, computer hardware, secondary storage devices, input devices, output devices, Computer software, operating systems, application software, programming languages, word processing, spread sheet and power point presentation etc. The book presents the material with clarity and conciseness to enable students to read and study with diagram. Review questions at the end of units should be useful for both students and teachers.
1. Introduction to Information Technology
2. Operating System
3. Word Processing
4. Spreadsheet
5. Powerpoint Presentation